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Statement from publication Beyond The Ambit a publication produced as part of Project/Number/4 Beyond the ambit, 11-26 June 2011, organised by Chris Rawcliffe P/N director.


"The light box sign “BACK IN FIVE MINUTES” refers to my experi-

ence of the DIY, the “only just enough of everything” reality of running an artist organised gallery. Everything done on a shoe-string budget with time usually being unpaid. Commonly this sign would be a bit of paper pinned to the door used by a low paid artist organiser who has just run out to get some milk for the tea. But in this case the words are in sharp black on white sans serif Helvetica font on the surface of a big light box above the door of the gallery. This sign speaks of an absence but in a much more permanent form.

Perhaps the work is a monument to this DIY approach but also to a permanent state of absence, which most monuments are partly about. Matt Hale 2011

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